Moriarty the Patriot Wiki

The Scarlet Eyes[]

Albert Moriarty is a kind nobleman who would often visit the local orphanage to help out the children. One day on his usual trip, he found that there was a new orphan boy who would later be known as Moriarty, along with his younger brother Louis. Realising the coincidences of a sudden death count along with Moriarty's involvement, Albert sought him out and later found out about the future of Moriarty's goal in making everyone in Britain equal. Having always hated his family and fellow noblemen for treating commoners so rudely, he promised him all of his power and status, and had his father adopt him and Louis in order to succeed their goals together.

The three of them later form a plan to kill the Moriarty family and burn down the house, making it look like an accidental incident. As the only survivors, Albert states that the orphans are his actual brothers William and Louis. Since the orphan boy was often doing errands, during those times he was using William's name and the real William rarely showed in public, the people easily believed the orphan was the actual William.

Years later, Albert continues to help William achieve his goal. With plans carefully devised by William, they would punish evil rich folks, making it look like natural deaths or incidents.
